Quote of the Day

“And if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?” – Unknown


Photographed by Norman Parkinson || Vogue, April 1, 1950


A Perfect Parallel || Tamina & Jojo

Like I’ve said many times before, fashion and dance go so hand in hand you’d have to be blind not to see it. This video is a definite parallel for what I love to write about and I’m sure you would agree.

Jojo and Tamina did such an amazing job choreographing this and gave the video such bitch slappin’ style…yes I just said that. With Jojo reppin’ Vancouver and Tamina reppin’ Toronto alongside my very good friend Christina de la Cruz, this video is full of Canadian Talent. HYPE!

It’s Tamina’s birthday today so please send out a birthday tweet (@misstamina) to her and check out her previous post here!

Enjoy the video and suscribe to my twitter and blog!

Daily updates on instagram! Follow me @keightw.

Much Love.


Sweet Soul Burlesque || The Keefer Bar

Words by Kate Wotherspoon
Photos by Brian Tait

Last week, November 15th, marked the two year anniversary of the Keefer Bar’s Sweet Sip Thursdays. The notable worldwide Burlesque Group, Sweet Soul Burlesque, has been performing at the trendy Keefer Bar in Chinatown every Thursday for the last two years. I was so happy to learn I would be in town for this celebratory event and could hardly wait to get there. I grabbed a seat at the bar and immediately ordered their tasty churros and one of those delicious cocktails that the Keefer is known for. The show started on time for show bizz and quickly you could see the cabs lining up outside the bar “waiting for customers” aka watching the show from their cars while pasties and toned bums were in full view from the Keefer’s front windows.  Such naughty cab drivers…

View from Outside… Inside: Pasty Central.

Crystal Precious opened the show with some clever comedy that left me in stitches and introduced each act with a special, sexy touch. The entire bar became the stage and within seconds, two of the dancers got up on the bar to do a little shimmy shake and passed around complimentary shots for the entire audience. Yes I know, quite an opening number! I was spotted clapping and jumping up and down in my seat…

Cherry On Top in opening act.

To add extra sass to this anniversary party, Dani Tatarin – bar manager of the Keefer, got up on stage and did a little strip tease while twirling around on a chair and provoked the audience with her quick flashes and use of a scarf.

Dani Tatarin

Each performance by Lola Frost, Rita Star, Cherry On Top, Cara Milk, Little Miss Risk, Crystal Precious and guest performer April O’Peel knocked our socks off and their tops off… At one point, Cara Milk acro-stripped while on a hula hoop which was hung from the ceiling! But I have to say my favourite was the special guest comedic male stripper, Socratease. His facials to Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get it On” were on point! He cracked me up and did a flawless job. Can we also just take a second to reflect on how witty their stage names are? I want one!

Cara Milk doing fancy things on the Hula Hoop.

Socratease getting it on.

I could write about this night forever, but pictures tell a thousand words so check out Brian Tait’s photos and please visit Sweet Soul Burlesque’s website or tweet them to let them know how hot they are ;) @SweetSoulBurlyQ www.sweetsoulburlesque.com

One last thing…Please do me a favour and schedule in plenty of time to experience the Keefer Bar! Each night there’s something different including live music every Tuesday and of course Burlesque on Thursdays! Their drinks are so unique and tasty and of course the bartenders are the hottest and best dressed in the city! Tell them Kate sent you ;)

Such a cute shoe accessory!

Another favorite act of mine. Cherry On Top rocking out a Tina Turner number.

Sass Pot, Little Miss Risk.

The Wonderful Keefer Bartenders. xo

You can have fun too so visit www.thekeeferbar.com

Follow @KeightW @thekeeferbar (twitter and instagram)